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Funny l4d manga

I particularly like zoey in the second image, spankin! lol
Ohh look weapons! :)
Louis is such a pillhead :P


Robag's picture

rofl lol rofl lol

Pure Gold Kraizen

hmmmm chicken and watemelon

save the black guy owwww nooooooo r u read i’m ready


P.S. anyone with a logitech

P.S. anyone with a logitech mouse (or another mouse capable of macro assignation) please let me know. I’ve been experimenting with macro binds and some of them are quite spectacular. At the moment I use a 3 round burst macro with the pistols, and it’s like having the Mag 5’s from Perfect Dark again. 30 rounds in 4 seconds xD

I don’t consider it cheating, as I was perfectly capable of firing that fast before my computer died, and am now completely limited by fps input lag. The guns just won’t fire that fast with single shots on this computer. Also it’s a little less accurate as its on the side of my mouse and it means I have to change grip.


Lovin how she screams oh god bill then eyes of his weapon after he is dead, she’s only in it for the weapons :D

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